In May 2013 Sophie Nusslé invited me to travel to Andalusia for a gathering of women interested in a celebration inspired by the Goddess Hathor and the Systrum ~ Olé! … and after a year+ of isolation due to the global pandemic throughout 2020 and into most of 2021, it is with great fondness that I recall those travels…. mmmmm a very fond memory indeed from back in the day when travel was a breeze….
From the moment I landed in the Sierra Nevada mountains of Granada I felt “home” ~ the terrain reminded me of the wonderful moments I enjoyed when I lived for ten years in the foothills of Colorado and then Sophie drove me down to the coast and as a vista of the Mediterranean lay before me, I knew I was in store for a special treat indeed. Not only was the gathering of magical women to prove wonderful but also the locale where I’d take up residence for the next ten days was oso warm and welcoming.Most memorable was the lovely home of Sophie Nusslé and her mother Margaret overlooking the Mediterranean from a lovely locale on the Costa Tropical in Andalucía, southern Spain ~ A little slice of paradise with great thanks to my hostesses extraordinaire beyond compare 💖

I wanted to call my son to tell him to sell the house in Pennsylvania which would allow me to buy the vacant home across the street! The only hitch is Spain won’t let non-Spaniards reside full time in the country so one must have the ability to reside elsewhere six months out of the year and my finances didn’t stretch that far (sad face) ~ nonetheless I was VERY happy to spend time in this wonderful locale with these magnificent hostesses. Quite content was I making acquaintance with Sophie and her mother Margaret and their other houseguest Naomi Ozaniec, prolific and celebrated world renowned author, Hm-Neter, and Teacher- Initiator Into the Khemetic-Hermetic Tradition of Sacred Science*. We talked of travel and families and the Goddess Hathor. With dinner we drank wonderful wine from the Rioja region. One evening we traveled back up to Granada and enjoyed visiting the magical Alhambra at night under a full moon with flamenco guitar music rolling up the hill from the cave dwellings below. Later that evening we enjoyed listening to more wonderful flamenco music complete with a dancer providing a “floor show” while we dined on sumptuous tapas.

Another day we traveled to meet Ness Bosch at the Mesa where she explained to us “people had been coming to this locale to celebrate the summer solstice since the Neolitic times. It was a place to dance and conduct ritual that carries the energy from those ancestral ceremonies in the area. Indeed a very special place where even today, people still meet there to see the sunrise of the morning after the summer solstice.

Finally, the icing on the cake was a 3-day rendezvous in Madrid with my sister Mary Alice (who resides in England) that also included a day trip to Toledo too!

I 💖
*In 2014 Naomi wrote an essay entitled Inspiration – The Breath of Creation and I appreciate Naomi’s crafting the words & meaning around a moment that afforded seismic shifts. At moment I found myself going left when all along I had anticipated going right.
She eloquently described “an inspired project will draw people toward it like a magnet.” (INDEED, what a magnetic field ’round this one!) The essay went on to say “Inspiration and enthusiasm go hand in hand, genuine inspiration produces visible enthusiasm. Enthusiasm too carries a mystical weight since the word comes from the ancient Greek word eufousiasmz meaning, to be, inspired by or possessed by God. The two qualities belong together as cause and effect…”
Enthusiasm is our response to inspiration and this divine possession brings passion to experience and a sense of mission and purpose to action. This is the elixir of life, drink deeply of it whenever you can.
– Naomi Ozaniec
Happily, enthusiastically, gratefully, I drink the elixir!
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Final note: before constructing this website complete with current blog posts, I maintained a blog at another url and until I get all those posts migrated to this platform, I invite you read my memoirs of travel to Egypt et al my Egypt Beckoned blog.