Under a dark and moonless sky we gather & play our drums, shimmer the systrum and use our voices to chant invocations for blessings of new beginnings available at the start of a new moon cycle.
Facilitated as a gift to & for ourselves and our global community.
Typically offered at either 1, 5 or 7 PM ET on each month’s new moon date (sometimes the evening prior). Check the Event Calendar page!
Friends Zoom in from around the world and we welcome you to join us!
Bring your drum and/or systrum… Don’t have a drum or systrum? Simply bring your voice and join us as we chant the Heart Sutra Mantra to invoke blessings of peace, prosperity, equity, vibrant good health and your heart’s deepest desire.
MORE: Have a candle lit with an intention set and have a frame drum and/or a shaker “at the ready” ~ either your own systrum or a rattle or something as simple as a plastic egg filled with rice or dried beans. We’ll start with a SIMPLE rhythm pattern and a chant from the Temple at Dendera before we practice the Heart Sutra Manta (see below for link to 2-page overview of this mantra).
Contact Tahya for Zoom login.
Click here for 2-page overview with more info about the Heart Sutra Mantra
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Curious to know more? Typically these gatherings are about 30 minutes from start to finish. I mention a few astrology items of interest referencing several sources ~ for example, in this case under the new moon at the close of 2022 (please see sampler below), we were encouraged to take heed since This (New Moon) is the best time to make your New Year’s resolutions. You don’t want to leave it until January 1st, because by then Mercury will be retrograde, interfering with your best judgment. I recite the chant found at Temple of Hathor at Dendera and then together we take a dive into the Heart Sutra Manta.