On the auspicious date of 11/11 in the year of 2021, LAYNE REDMOND (1952-2013), a woman whose legacy lives on in the hearts and minds and drumming and yogic practices of people all around the planet, was posthumously inducted into the Percussive Arts Society’s Hall of Fame. We celebrate and rejoice this recognition.
I am forever, eternally and ALLways grateful for the privilege of studying with, traveling alongside, and developing a friendship with an inspired and inspiring buzzing Bee Goddess High Priestess, yogi, multi/cultural drumming teacher & performer and author of one of the. most. significant. books of our generation that will in turn influence and inspire future generations. Layne paved a warm, wide & welcoming beautiful processional path empowering percussionists to step in line.
She was a great role model not only in her expert drumming but also an exemplary researcher and passionate teacher/sharer of ancient wisdom teachings, AND a published author of a book that lives on in numerous languages and reprints and will go on and on ad infinitum.
I stepped foot on my rhythm & ritual path upon first hearing the hypnotic rhythms of Egyptian music back in the 70’s and meeting Layne Redmond in the 90’s deepened my experience exponentially ~ oso grateful am I !

My friends Barbara Gail (who created the beautiful graphic at the top of this page) and Miranda Rondeau (who has created an interactive private FB Group page entitled: Women Frame Drumming Group, dedicated to Layne Redmond and her work that has given inspiration to so many of us worldwide) together held a vision of presenting a procession paying tribute to and in honor of Layne at PASIC (the Percussive Arts Society International Convention in Indianapolis). It was indeed part of my intention to attend (I had even registered and reserved a hotel room; however, the COVID numbers in my community remained too high for me to feel it was appropriate to travel). Regrettably I declined the invitation to ‘bring up the rear’ of the procession shimmering the systrum in remembrance of our beloved teacher/friend/mentor and author of the phenomenal book WHEN THE DRUMMERS WERE WOMEN. Nonetheless, Barbara’s attention to detail working with those in attendance, inspired the desire, confidence, and enthusiasm to…
Do it simply to be profound.
– Layne Redmond
I recommend Layne’s book to all my classes (both my frame drum & systrum and my dance class participants) knowing it is available in several local libraries. Then, if they are as impressed with it as I am, I suggest they add it to their own personal library!
When I first started studying belly dance in the early 70’s (when I was but a mere youth) my teacher spent a portion of every class introducing us to the rhythms of the dance so we would become better finger cymbal technicians and she shared the history of the dance being a tradition dating back to ancient matrilineal cultures in which the the Goddess was revered, and, she explained, that tradition had been handed down from one generation to the next in an oral fashion … from grandmother to granddaughter, mother to daughter. I felt I was being initiated into a most sacred transmission of women’s his(her)story and indeed I was. When Layne’s book was published, I was sooooo excited because so much of what I had learned in the oral tradition was FINALLY available in a most legitimate and well researched publication. WOW! Thank you Layne Redmond ❤️
The February 2000 issue of DRUM! magazine listed Redmond as one of the
“53 Heavyweight Drummers Who Made a Difference in the ’90s.”
She was the only woman on the list.
… and here is a link to Maria Llorca’s acceptance speech for Layne’s Hall of Fame induction 11/11/21, in which Maria said, “Layne lived her life not from the periphery but always from the center of the passionate place from which she created and performed and taught.”
Who will see, Who will feel,
Ancient ritual, Powers that heal
The seed’s been planted, the fire burns strong.
Goddesses sway to the joyous song.

Thanks to Maria Llorca for sharing this photo! Maria, btw, accepted the award on Layne’s behalf at Layne’s (posthumous) induction into the PASAIC Hall of Fame (see video above)

You are also encouraged to see more references to Layne at the RESOURCES page

NOTE: It was on page 102 of Layne’s book When the Drummers Were Women that I first read about the carvings in the mammisi walls at Hathor’s Temple complex at Dendera depicting thirty-two frame drumming priestesses in procession along with twenty-nine systrum-playing priestesses ~ a major piece in the puzzle of my re-emerging the Systrum!
JAN 2014 :: Contemplation of the influence of Layne Remond’s book, When the Drummers Were Women
SPRING 2004 :: Travels to Crete
AUG 2020 :: My tribute to Layne Redmond on the occasion of her birth date (also see video below)
With deep bows of respect and gratitude….

Blessed by Layne’s example, we are empowered to reignite sacred timekeeping rituals and meaningful, joyful drumming practices in our daily lives.
– Tahya

One more video about “When the Drummers Were Women with Layne Redmond” that I find valuable to watch over & over again…